
By LifeInPictures


This is the cat ive been talking about. it isreally small. i woke up at 7and heard her screaming again so i took her with me to clean her eyes. they were closed because of tbe infection. after cleaning she could see again! it made me a little proud haha. she is a really cute and sweet kitten.

we had breakfast and had some last sun at the swimming pool.
at around 10:30 i went back to clean the cats' eyes again. it shocked me because they were closed again.. and still a lot of fluid.. its sad! i found out it has the sneezing disease. i took a look at the other kittens and saw they all have it... so i went to the boss of the apartment and told him that he has to call a vet because they are really sick. i also cleaned another kittens' eyes.

the boss will call the vet tomorrow because they are closed today.. i wish i could help them..

we had a taxi to the airport and flew back to Charlevoir. from there a taxi had to take us to our car. he came really late and drove twoce the maximum speed. so no tip for this guy!

at 20:30 we were home again. i missed smokey!!!

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