Seagulls in Cramond

This weekend has been a bit of a strange weekend...

Yesterday, I was planning to go to the gym, but I was feeling rather tired, so I decided not to and leave it for Sunday. The plan was to get up early, go to the gym and then have plenty of time for everything else...

What happened was that, as I was doing the dishes rather late at night last night, it just so happened that one of the wine glasses I was washing broke and cut my finger. As it was bleeding profusely, I did all I could to control the bleeding and then I phoned the NHS just to make sure I was doing the right thing. They told me a nurse would call me back. I waited, waited... at 2.00am the nurse called, asked me questions and then said I should go to the A&E department at the Royal Infirmary in Little France to get it checked. It's quite far away from where I live, so the taxi there was quite expensive.

As it was saturday night, you can imagine that the A&E department was rather busy with all the drunks that had been in fights or fallen over in one fashion or another breaking their skulls. It was quite a sight! I won't go into detail, but I'm glad there were cleaners on duty cleaning the blood around. The drunks were really loud as well, and there was police and everything. By the time they could attend me, it was already 5am!!!! In the meantime, I'd been on and off falling asleep in the waiting area surrounded by the aforesaid scenario. They x-rayed my finger, there was no glass in it, so it was just a couple of stitches and back home. I didn't want to spend another fortune on a taxi, so I waited for the bus. The carry on continued there because one of the drunk guys decided not to wait for his treatment and was at the bus stop as well with his drunk mates. By the time I went to bed it was already 7am!!

Obviously, I was too tired today to go to the gym, so I went to Cramond for a walk instead. But, by the time I left the flat, it was rather late, so there was not much light left for photography. It was a nice walk though and it cleared my dozy head.

Back to work tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments, stars and hearts on my triple self portrait! I hope you all had a more enjoyable weekend than me! :)

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