
By CharlotteJ

Drive by Part 3!

What a day! Up early to follow hubby 25 miles for him to take his beast of flower of a car for its ‘dust down’ (it has to have a dust off within the first 1,000 miles, apparently 4.7l twin turbo V8 cars like a dust off!! laughable to me).

To then travel 25 miles back to home (I worked from home today and so did he I nearly throttled him!) and then five hours later, take Chris back 25 miles to collect his car and then head home. 100miles in total and a total of 4.5 hours – the traffic was horrendous!

I spied this little gargoyle on someones wall whilst sitting in traffic singing in the car in traffic– blip sorted!

Well, must dash, I need dinner, wine and then must get ready for my two day adventure meetings in Peterborough followed by seeing my parents on the east coast for the evening.


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