
By CharlotteJ


Who else in the UK has been battered by today’s weather? Yikes!! This is the tail end of Gonzalo and we now have a rather pretty watery sunset. Photo taken from my top floor looking towards our hills and the storm heading north, not the best photo in the world but it kind of shows how dark it was and then how light.

I was hoping to blip the Harrow on the Hill / London in the distance / Wembley stadium skyline from a hilly view close to my parents’ house but sadly I didn’t quite have the right footwear in my car for such a day! (I could have sworn I have my wellies in the boot!) Flying visit to see Mum and Dad today for lunch before heading back to work and meetings – I’m lucky I can just pop in for lunch even if it is a two hour round trip to ‘pop in’

Happy Tuesday


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