'To know,know, know you, is to love,love,love you'
And I do, I do, I doooo. And here we see Phoebe, my little friend. She was so glad to see Mr A come home this evening because he has more time to play.
And the only way I got her to sit still and look at me - I had her new deer antler chew in my mouth to keep her attention. The things I do to get a blip!!
It has rained all day today sideways, most of the time. I didn't know I could get so wet. Just getting up and going to work was a major challenge. The older I get, the more I hate it!!
Phoebe was so pleased to see Jazz and Sassie return to the home. Not so sure they were completley enamoured to see her! Mr A now wants to rehearse at 21.50, just hope the neighbours are away. Anyway that's Monday nearly out of the way.
Dont want to look at the weather forecast - I'm sure it's more of the same - agh.......
Hope you have all survived the day and not got washed/blown away. Dont bother with an umbrella tomorrow, it will only blow inside out.
Sleep well, dont worry about tomorrow, it will look after itself. If you are hurting either physically or mentally, try and 'put it down'. I find it helps if you visualise the hurt and mentally put it on the floor and jump on it. That probably sounds daft but it works!! Night all my blip friends until we 'speak' again.
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