
By sas05

steel wheels

trying different things ...have seen some great work recently, seen some pretty average stuff as well....even worse when that same person sees fit to criticises others..ha,, but moving on..found the understand the limitations with my cameras now ..especially in low light conditions,, which is a huge frustration..and the comes a lesson in acceptance.. i cannot justify the expense of going over to a Nikon D8oo and the lens that go with it. I have to stick with what ive got...i can still produce ok pix and occasionally some really good pix.. but i know that will bug me..
went for a walk down to the railwaay tracks last nite,, had a specific shot that i wanted to take and so nearly got it....but man it was as black as ya hat there,, very spooky ...especially given the fact that one poor soul choose to take his life at this point last month,, sure the wind rustling through the trees was an indicator of the presence of this poor restless soul.
Thw dam that holds back the wave of negativity has been leaking a bit recently,, just seems to be niggles from all sides ,,most annoying.. times like this when i wish that someone can come show me the way forward.. just carrying on doing what you doing doesnt seem to be a good answer as its that, that has lead us to this point. Whats the saying , the road to hell is paved with good intentions. How comes it comes round and bites us on the butt every time.. learn andy learn. Seemingly we cannot do right for doing wrong from our lofty elevated position in life,, still gets me why peeps think of us like that ... i certainly dont.. were just like everyday people doing everyday things.. i suppose to stcick one s head out of the parapet and care is an invitation to be dumped on in one form or another.. is the answer not to care?? great answer that one.
This and many other things guarantees life will never be dull..teeth grindingly annoying sometimes.. full of conundrums.. more questions than answers..more trials and tests..but nothing in my life has beaten me yet,, nor will it.. its like a kinder surprise egg.. not sure what ya gonner get , sometimes its a worthless piece of plastic sometimes its something ya actually like .. !!!

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