
By sas05

stormy weather

rest day and a day of doing nowt,, dont feel hard enough,,. speaking of which in the yard tomorrow and looks like it could be a lively affair..
meanwhile ,, back in the homestead.....a moral dilemma has got us utterly maddening ..get it wrong and we know the consequences...ummm time to phone a friend or do 50 /50 ....
Had another walk down to the railway lines tonite ,, was treated to .. at least two tawny owls calling to each other.. (know its tawny owls cos they are the only owl to go twit towoo)..and the lightening lfashing away .. yup.. enjoyed that couple of hours out in the countryside .. and this is what i have to show for my it what ya like,, a comet reality its train..can see the sparks coming off the third rail towards the bottom of the pic..
just passed 63000 views on my journal...big thanks to ya`all

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