European Excursion

By rmichali

Locks of Love

All over, on bridges, nets, railings, anywhere possible...there are these locks. Couples write their names on the locks and then "lock" their love. Very cute. Unfortunately, as of late, I'm the known single one of my family now that all of my siblings are married. One day I'll bring my significant other here so we can "lock" our love haha. :P

We've all been having the time of our lives here, even when we're "bored" there's no better place to be such. Already we have so many memories with the things we've seen, celebrating my 21st in Florence, and even the little things like all of us sitting down at our dining room table with our home cooked meal. We're like a little family in our new Florentine home. The other night we had an amazing night of canolis and Gossip Girl :] Couldn't have been more perfect!

Capri this weekend should be amazing! We leave tomorrow after class and return late Sunday night. I'm actually looking forward to Monday too because I have my first day of Studio Fuji- my jewelry making class!

Tonight consists of packing for the weekend, finishing up some homework, and getting well rested for my vacation <3


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