How many beans make 5?

An old British expression, used in the context "he knows how many beans make five", meaning "he knows his stuff" or referring to one who's good at mathematical puzzlers. Derives from the days of the abacus, when the wooden beads (beans) were moved along in various increments.
"He's a clever bloke, he knows how many beans make five"

These PINK beans are another offering for BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH.

My first full day off - bliss - but no slacking, need to get on with preparations and finished items for the Craft Fair which we are doing on the 17th November. I am sharing a space with my #1 daughter, Lucy, which will consist of Lucy's pottery and textiles and some of my photos. Friend Susan and I went up to the venue this morning to view our spaces again and put some posters up. Awful realisation: not much time left until the 17th, oooops!

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