Stuff (none of it very interesting)

A very boring day today, mainly sat in the hospital with Jay waiting for him to have a twenty minute procedure. We used the waiting time productively to sort out Christmas presents for the children and then I researched an Icelandic mini-break (these two thing may well be linked). Oh, and then I bought a lottery ticket....

Home by three just in time for it all to kick off at work. Went to get Will from his after school Multi Sports club. I was admiring the beautiful light in the park, decided it could just be enhanced with Will on the shot clutching all his bags and his coat on upside down.

The laptop is bust and awaiting a visit to the shop to get its fan fixed. The outcomes of this event are that we see a lot more of Daisy and I have to blip on my phone. Which is fine, except the camera seems to keep being a bit odd. The beautiful sunrise this morning looked, quite frankly, horrible. So do lower your expectations a little further over the next couple of days.

Oh and bake off- I am plumping for Frances on the basis that that the other two have started to annoy me really quite a lot.

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