A Ballerina in the Cemetery

Hygrocybe calyptriformis, Pink Waxcap
Not too far from our house is a small cemetery. As there are quite a lot of trees with berries, I thought it might be a place to go to see winter thrushes, so after I'd finished some more painting, and the pouring rain had finally stopped, I set off. No birds, to speak of, but unexpectedly, there were huge numbers of the most beautiful waxcaps in the short mossy sward. I spend a wonderful hour or so photographing them, and ended up with quite a few photos I was really pleased with. When it came to choosing a blip, I would have found it difficult not to go with this one. Once thought endangered, it turns out it was just under-recorded.
I also made the acquaintance of Phillip, who was taking good care of this beautifully tended cemetery. He was delighted that I was so thrilled with the fungi, and told me he intended to continue to garden it so that the fungi would continue to thrive.

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