
By BethAndCo

I don't want to eat it, Mommy. I just want to play

I'm sure even magic potions have their 'off days' ... Every 3 hours Eva woke last night. She had gone to bed with quite flushed cheeks, so I guess them new toofs were giving her extra grief last night, poor babba.

Today's pic is a little montage made up from breakfast time today. I don't want to just keep giving her toast and fruit for brek, hence the raisin porridge fingers yesterday, so mixed her up some baby Heinz banana porridge this morning. Well, she would not eat it. In the end I thought, sod it, let her play, as that's all she wanted to do. So I sat back (just held the bowl) and watched her make a mess. She did try it a few more times, but each time, screwed her little face up. Hehe. So I resorted back to toast and plum, which she liked.

Lou Taylor came and picked us up this afternoon (as the car had been collected this morning to HOPEFULLY be fixed) and off we went to the club for a spot of lunch for Lou King's birthday. I took Eva some snacks, including raisins, and some toys, and she was quite content whilst us moms had a natter.

When we got back, down on the playmat went Eva, and off came the nappy (nappy rash has almost gone thankfully, just don't want it to start getting bad again). Oh we did have a giggle. Daisy (our kitten) kept grabbing Eva round the leg with her paws, and Eva found it hilarious, which in turn had me in hysterics. Oh, it was so funny. Daisy was so gentle, she just wanted to play. Xxx

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