Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Breakfast in bed

So Scout totally slept the night away and was still poorly this morning, so poorly in fact that he didn't want to jump down and join the other cats when the food came out.

So I gave him breakfast in bed, then started work at 6.30am.

Then we went to the vets where they discovered an injury to his left leg from a fight with another cat, shot him full of antibiotics and pain killers, bathed the wound and charged me £84.

Worked from home until 11.30, dropped Top Gun off at a National Trust property where he is volunteering and got into work at 12.00.

Got home at 10.30 pm. Its a long story. A very intensive meeting with pizza and home made cakes.

Scout is now full of beans and I am knackered and poorer than I was 24 hours ago. Oh well its a cat's life.

Breakfast in bed anyone?

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