My life, My way!

By LadyBass

Daisy daisy!!

Well my first day back at work didn't quite go to plan! My boss is extremely caring not at all like the last bitch one I worked for! He took one look at me and sent me home said I'm not to go go back until I'm 100% better - so back to docs and have been signed off for another week with plenty of rest and fluids!!!!
My blip today is of the flowers my friend Vicky bought me on Sunday before I went back to hospital , I don't normally have flowers in my bedroom but seeing as it seems I'm spending all my time here at the moment they are right where I can appreciate them x
It does make you realise just how many people care when your poorly , I've have so many visitors , texts and phone calls its quite humbling really - I do have the best family and friends xxx

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