Dont be fooled

4years 2days

To the unsuspecting, untrained eye, this is but an adorable child's rocking horse.
In the hands of a 4 year old it is a weapon of mass toe-crushing harm, a source of intense irritation and accompanied by huge amounts of "but Mummy, Pony NEEEEEEDS to live downstairs; but Mummy he's scared of the dark and he's hungry".
'What is so bad about poor, defenceless pony' you may ask? He whinies. And neighs. Repeatedly. Even alternating between the two, a note from each at a time, if you press the buttons on each ear fast enough. Loudly.

And they put high-powered batteries in him.

Noise aside, he's rather adorable. Katie thinks he's wonderful. I guess he's a keeper.

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