Off we go

With a dog on her back and her monkey in her arm, off she skipped to nursery

4years 3days

(I still havent got used to writing 4years!)

She'd had a fun morning at nursery - they said that her and her friend Ella were very bouncy today as they still haven't recovered from the "yey we're back together" thing. When I arrived they were laid on the floor having a cuddle together.

We headed off into town to meet our friend, all went for a bit of shopping and a coffee before I took Katie to ballet. I arrived and discovered that today was final decision as to if Katie could do her first exam on Saturday with her friends - the principal wanted to watch her, with her having been away for a month. It was also a "mummies can watch" week. She danced her little heart out. She loves this class, its a mixed class for children up to three grades above her so she's learning a lot from dancing with the bigger girls. And the bigger girls were loving looking after Katie. I saw one of them asks her how old she is. Katie did this little grin and just held up 4 fingers. She had a wonderful time. It was a real delight to see her loving it so much. And I was told immediately after that "absolutely she can do her exam". She's thrilled to bits.

Our friend is staying with us a few days, to help with Katie's birthday party this weekend. When we got home from ballet,  the very first thing Katie took her to see when we got home was the pony.

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