
Now don't be feeling sorry for him, it's just those Cocker Spaniel eyes that make him look sad. He lives the life of luxury filled with love :)

The Health Visitor excelled herself yesterday - an hour late and that was after I'd called the office to see if I'd got the wrong date I think she had forgot us! I asked her a few questions about activity time and routines but she just kept saying 'she's a baby' without actually advising me.....she also said that the PA side of me is shining through as I'm trying to 'organise' Minnie.......erm no.......I was just telling her that Minnie is good and we have a 4 hour feeding routine and I'm trying to incorporate E.A.S.Y (Eat.Activity.Sleep.You). I merely asked about Min falling asleep in my arms during the day which I love but I don't want that to be the only way she falls asleep! I give up with the blasted HV. I'll just ask you guys in future, you are way more constructive with your advise!

Minnie was weighed and she's now 9lb 1oz so I'm clearly doing something right sticks two fingers up at the HV!

Another good night with Min so we were up and at the world dressed etc by 830 :) After yesterday's rain I was determined we would be out and about. I text my friend Rach and we had a lovely lunch at Frankie and Benny's. Her brother joined us for coffee as he is helping Rach with the funeral arrangements. It was lovely to see them both and have a natter. Home after that and, to be honest, I've just spent four hours cuddling Minnie........she gives great cuddles :)

I'm hoping to be organised in the morning and get to the baby class I went to a fortnight ago. On the recommendation of one of the mums we are doing Baby Massage starting in two weeks. They recommend it from 8 weeks due to babies napping and sleeping during the class but I have signed up as I am keen to learn the practises and the next course around here isn't till next year when she will be too old.

We are heading to Cornwall next week so we will put Min in her own room on our return as I don't want to confuse her while we are away. Simon is on a stag do while we are down there so we will be having two nights without him - hence why we are heading to Mums :)

Anyway enough waffle - it's almost 7 and hubby is still at work so I need to juggle baby and dinner cooking :)

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