Oops nearly forgot to blip!

It's almost 9pm, I'm in the bath with my second glass of Pinot of the night and I've just realised I haven't blipped - you get one of the two only pics I've taken today.

Me and the Minster have had a busy ol' day!

We woke at 850am and the thought crossed my mind to not go to the Baby Sensory class. I then realised the sun was shining for the first time this week and by 930 me and Min were at the class which is a ten minute sprint away! We had a bloody ace time - this pic was taken in the last ten minutes of the class when tiredness took over and she zonked out! Chatted to several mums and exchanged numbers with one of the mums who I used to go to school with and whose husbands brother was one of Simons pals at school......tamworth is a small place, we all know each other!

From there I met MiL and we walked the couple of miles to Ventura which is the local shopping retail park place. We had lunch then went to M&S where we shopped for so long I had to feed Min there rather than at home as planned. Home to meet Simon and we popped to visit friends whom Simon is helping build Goatopia which is a new home for their four goats!

Finally home at 7 - me and Min were out and about all blooming day! Bless her she has been a star! She is now out for the count not surprisingly! Dinner has been consumed, the wash basket is empty, our clothes are laid out for tomorrow and I feel it has been an über productive day!

Tomorrow will be far more relaxed....maybe........unless it's sunny and then I will be out and about again!

Ps - my name is Kirstie and I have a confession......today I wore Double Denim......jeans and a denim shirt.......Simon is horrified.......whereas I think I was working my inner Kim Kardashian Mummy look.........

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