Crinan Ferry

The weather forecast had said there would be rain today so we took our time and had a lazy morning before going out. Maeve the Deerhound had wanted to go out at 6am, but thankfully settled down again for a while.

We drove a little way North and took the turn along past Ardfern towards Craignish Castle and Craignish Point. From the North side of the peninsula there are superb views over small low islands to the North end of Jura and Scarba, and between the two Corryvreckan. By the time we got there the rain had gone, to be replaced by sunny spells and squally showers so we were treated to dramatic seas and lots of colour on the water. The Paps of Jura were clearly on view in the distance.

Lunch at the Crafty Kitchen in Ardfern. Excellent.

In a change of plans after hearing the updated forecast on the radio which promised less showers we drove back down to Kilmartin glen and made a short stop to take a photo or two of the Nether Largie standing stones in bright sunlight. Then we contined on down the minor road which crosses the Moine Mor to Bellanoch. We parked there beside the bridge over the river Add and took Maeve the Deerhound on the 2 mile walk along the towpath to Crinan. This blip was taken from the towpath not far past the marina on the canal, but before we got to the 'Print Wagon' as we looked out over Loch Crinan to Crinan Ferry.

There were one or two showers as we walked along to Crinan and then retraced our steps back along to where we had left the car but we really didn't mind as we got lots of brightness and the low light across the water lighting up the colours on the hills and trees was more than we could have hoped for at the start of the day.

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