A New Red Roof

After a wet start the rain got lighter during the morning so we drove round to Crinan. Walking boots on, and Maeve the Deerhound once again in her waterproof coat we set off for a walk along the towpath of the Crinan canal.

As we walked along past Crinan bridge and carried on towards the Print Wagon which sits by the opposite bank the rain came back. We decided not to try to walk as far as Bellanoch bridge but turned round and headed back. We did manage to get a few shots on the way, this one of the house over the canal which I blipped in June. It seems to have been given a new red roof.

After lunch at the Cafe by the Crinan canal sea lock we sat and read for a while then drove back along the road by the canal to a car park by lock 10 and take advantage of another break in the rain to have a short walk.

We completed the afternoon by driving up to Kilmartin for coffee at the museum cafe.

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