Every Halloween...for many many years, my wife bakes her famous sugar cookies, and people come over to put frosting on them.

The decorating gets pretty intense. Frosting, sprinkles of all kinds, M & M's, and candy corn...put on with professional frosting tips, knives, and toothpicks. If nothing else...the cookies are colorful.

You'll notice I'm not in any of the frosting shots. They won't let me frost. The only job they'll let me do is pick up the finished cookies on a cookie sheet, and transfer them to another table. Ya know why? I'M A COOKIE PURIST...THAT'S WHY!!! The cookies (with frosting) stand by themselves. THEY DON'T NEED NO STINKIN SPRINKLES!! THEY DON'T NEED NO LITTLE PIECES OF CHOCOLATE!! THEY DON'T NEED NO CANDY CORN!! (Excuse my English...but...I'm a little worked up, and when I get worked up...I use double negatives.)

For an almost 3 year grandson Merrick did real well...sitting for almost the entire time. The only problem? The ones that he tasted (read...licked)...we sat aside to take home to his Daddy.

In the midst of the cookies...clockwise...from the top left corner;

1. Aunt Lori helping Merrick.
2. Shelley's (naturelover) daughter Becky.
3. Shelley's granddaughter Sanibel, her son-in-law Ron, and Shelley.
4. Shelley's grandson Brody.
5. My sister Terrie, Shelley's husband Al, and a photobomber.
6. Merrick again, with our cookie baker...his grandma, and my wife Lisa.
7. Niece-to-be Markie. She helped Merrick...a lot.

A fun night was had by all.

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