Yellow on Red...Yellow on Yellow

I had a little talk with myself this afternoon...pretending that my alter ego was Frankenstein. Complete with the walk.


That's how Frank talks. Very loudly, and with short pauses.

I didn't listen. I picked a little sunflower, thinking that I would hold it up against trees that had some Autumn color.

But...then,but...then (Frankenstein rubbing off on me), I couldn't decide. So, here are both shots.

That's 6 collages in a row...8 out of the last 12. Fun to do...BUT...MUST...STOP.

If I was forced by Frankenstein to pick...if he tied me up on his table, forcing me to choose...if he had his buddy the Werewolf tickle my feet...if he hammered me with those things that came out of his head...I guess I would choose the yellow on yellow.

Only because I like how the light came through, and made itself into small circles.

Tomorrow? Seven in a row?

Depends on who talks to me.

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