
By Appreciate


Loving the new shawl pattern. ..harmony - just like my life!! Been in a major blip break but have done back blips to treat you to. Loving all aspects of my new life and new job. Got my bike on the road again after last years calamity! Been out walking early mornings and loving all the newness of the island! I socialise, knit, spin,weave and still have time to read and write letters. Must admit to not using a computer much (!!) Proud of that,but could easily fall a bit behind! Am living a great and healthy life and am very happy inside and out! I walk to school and walk wherever I need to go. I've filled my petrol tank twice since the middle of August. I receive more hand written letters than bills! I've made new friends and am involved in interesting and lively groups. I miss my pals but they have been here to visit!! Susan is at the mid term of her first term in Abuja. Hats off to her for determination. Not the best destination but - a job and a major challenge. Will fill in a few pictorial gaps soon.

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