All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Four in the bed

6.20am start from the kids today and I was on early shift - pah! I also took both kids to gymnastics, with Ethan sitting in and watching Eden in her class.

This afternoon we all went over to visit my sister-in-law Emma and her kids. Eden hasn't been there before and was initially quite shy. Ethan however went straight upstairs to play with his older cousins! The main attraction there always seems to be the bunk beds as he's desperate to get them for his own room but we've said he can't for another few years yet!

Then into Edinburgh to buy a new tv - by the time we were finished there and back home, I didn't deliver Eden back to the Foreveryoungs till nearly 7pm. She was hyper and didn't stop talking to her mummy and daddy, hardly drawing breath while she told them all about her day!

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