All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Ethan has been using a battery operated toothbrush for some time now. I bought one for Eden to use when she stays here and gave it to her today for the first time. She was very taken with her new Barbie toothbrush and I had to laugh when Ethan said he wanted that one instead of his Spiderman one!

Seeing them brushing their teeth together tonight made me think of this!

We've had real problems getting them off to sleep tonight - both of them claiming "but I'm just not tired at all"! When I came out the shower, I found them both sitting in Ethan's bed "having a tea party"! Each time I left the room there was lots of laughter and footsteps with a different excuse each time "we're just looking at toys, we're having a midnight feast" etc etc. In the end hubbie brought Ethan back downstairs and Eden finally went to sleep then, well after 8pm. Took Ethan back up an hour later and he has now dropped off too. Hope the late night doesn't mean we'll have an early start from them tomorrow, as often happens!

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