As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

County. Champions.

Today was wonderful.

I woke up at 5:00 because I was so restless. I sat in bed until around 8:15 when I went for a run around the block to shake out my legs and calm down a bit. Then I headed to the park with my team.

After a nice presentation for the seniors, it was time for us to race. I ran alright; I did what I had to do. Richard ran out of his mind (17:08), Timmy and I tied at 17:20 (a PR for me) and Bouch was right behind. Brent was our fifth guy and Collins and Wes held up the end of our pack. It was a tough race, but WE WON!!!!! WANTAGH BOYS ARE THE CLASS B COUNTY CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!

Our top 4 also earned All-Class County honors.

Everyone else ran really well and I'm happy with how this season went for them.

I served Paige's family at her grandpa's surprise 80th birthday party with Alyssa today. I love that family.

I stopped in at movie night and now it's time for bed.

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