Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Observational misguidance

Well, I was meant to go out with the lads on the road bikes this morning, however the wind and my knackered-ness put pay to that.

I did some prep for the oncoming decorating and then decided that some biking should take place and went out on my xc machine.

Although blustery, the weather did not effect me as badly as it did on the lightweight racing bike. I tore around the fave routes and made myself proper tired out....right, onto the coffee shop!!

While on my own I ear wigged at others conversation....yes,yes, I know not very polite. I could not believe what people will talk about in public in this day and age, really?! Scandelous what folks get up to!

After having my ears set on fire by the shocking gossip of several middle aged ladies, I left and went for a gentle mooch about. Then back home to continue with the house stuff!

With the wind howling outside I'm glad that I am snuggled inside, now for some movies I think!

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