Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Fall Back

Spring forward, Fall back, the clocks went back an hour in the wee small hours today.
Started off bright and sunny, a little windy though and definitely, brrrh!
by the afternoon it clouded over and it rained a little.
Felt a little better today for a while at least, was a little more active around cloud base and caught up with a few things that needed catching up.
Watched the super saintees win 2-0 against motherwell on BBC Alba
The weather in Perth was a lot worse than here, but wished I could be there.
It's also a bit of a shock to the system that it is dark around 5pm now,
The storm called St Jude isn't forecast to have such a big impact up here as it is forecast for further south.
But it's mizzly out and the wind is picking up atm. (nothing new there really)
Didn't take many pics today, the sparrow and the blue tit here is the best, didn't go too far, didn't want to push my luck health wise.
Eye clinic tomorrow, not too confident about the outcome of it, really worried as since I have stopped the antibiotics I was on, my eye still waters and I'm starting to find sunlight very uncomfortable on it :-(
Hope that you've all had a good day.
Stay safe

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