The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely

The calm before the storm!

Everyone around here is waiting......wondering if the coming storm will be anything like the total devastation we saw in October 1987!
I for one hope not, as my precious forest is only just returned to decent broad-leaved woodland.
With the storm in mind I felt I had better head out and see if I could get any pictures of leaves before they all blew into heaps on the ground! I did manage to get a few pics of leaves flying around in the wind, but think I might just get more of those tomorrow, so in the end I decided to repeat a blip from last year and bring you a beautiful red leaf just resting in the needles of a pine tree!
To be fair the leaf last year was yellow, but the principle is the same, so please forgive me.
I liked this shot, because apart from the leaf, everything else in the shot is a nice cool green , making the colour of the leaf even more vibrant!

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