Tessa "T"

A family celebration. The last celebration of 3 for my granddaughter's 3rd BD party. On her actual BD we had a little ice cream cake after dinner to celebrate. Then she had all her little friends to an ice cream shop downtown to celebrate with them.
Today was our family party. Everyone came over and Nadia was the perfect hostess. She loved her family that all came to see her. She loved her cake and her cupcakes. She was happy and gracious opening her gifts. One gift in particular was what I decided to blip tonight.
My sister Robyn asked me for a photo of my new dog Tessa early in the week. She hand painted her portrait on a shirt for Nadia. When Nadia took it out of the back she new right away it was Tessa. She put it on right over her party dress. It was a really nice idea and an excellent likeness to Tessa.
I'm tired from being on my feet all day and all night. So I will keep this brief. I just want to say how much joy both grandchildren gave me today. They got along and played together and the were both great with an entire houseful of people. I'm very proud of them.
The house is 80% cleaned up from the party but the rest will have to wait as I'm too tired to care about the rest of it right now. Tomorrow is another day.

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