Expect the unexpected

Well the great storm arrived and departed on schedule and we survived without the smallest flicker of the electricity supply, no damage to the house or garden and not even an overturned garden chair. However fate didn't let me enjoy the smug feeling for long and whilst on my way to spread sweetness and light I hit a pothole which not only punctured the front tyre but, according to HG, has b****ed the wheel as well.
My knight in shining armour (aka son No 2) soon arrived, replaced the wheel and pointed out two numbers on the tyre which means that I can't drive over 50mph (as if!) . Undeterred I continued on my journey and had a session with a friend of mine who is registered blind but who has bought an iPad and and needed some help. This was a challenge if ever there was one but it was so worth it and I drove home very slowly thinking that all is well in my world.

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