
By Justenj0y

Feeling blue

Glorious day today so decided a jaunt out to a nearby National Trust property, famed for its autumn colours would be a good tonic and provide me with a suitable blip. Clearly, the rest of southern England had the same idea and we joined a queue of traffic some 3 miles before arriving at the property. Trying to remain calm and civil, as I am the only driver this week, I could feel my blood pressure rising as we were directed to an 'overflow' car park one mile away from the entrance. That done I got out of the car only to find I'd left my handbag, National Trust cards and, worst of all camera AND phone, at home. What was said in the next few minutes cannot be repeated, suffice to say the journey home was tense.
So, today's blip is not of magnificent autumn colour perfectly reflected in a still lake with blue sky and sunshine but a blue salvia which sits close to the back door. Normal service may be resumed tomorrow!

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