A work of art
CarbBoy was a bit worried this morning when I told him we were going to the Rijksmuseum where they have 7,500 paintings...
I said we didn't have to look at them all... and the lady at the info desk confirmed this and gave each of the kids a leaflet with 20 bits of paintings or sculptures and told them if they could find 10 they would get a little prize.
Just before entering the first gallery I gave them the usual chat about it being a big place, not leaving the room without me, and that we'd meet by the statue of the lady with a trumpet on her knee if anyone got lost.
I looked at two paintings, maybe three, and then realised CarbBoy was gone. I found TallGirl (who was obediently in the room) and we set out to search the floor we were on. Twice. Our absolute museum rule is no leaving the floor we are on. An official could see I was looking a bit stressed and offered to radio round a description of CarbBoy to his colleagues, meanwhile I checked our emergency meeting place.
So, with TallGirl in the first gallery as Point Man, I ran round the basement too, and most of the first floor. It's a big place so my heart was pounding - with that sinking feeling that this time it really is the time that it's serious.
The original guard I spoke too said he would radio the main door to put into place what he called a 'lock down' - I guess to stop someone taking him out of the building.
I raced one last time to the meeting place and.... there he was, nonchalantly sprawled on the floor listening to Bruce Springsteen.
Anyone who's been there before will recognise the feeling of wanting to hug and throttle the kid all at once! With TallGirl reassured that all was well and the guards thanked profusely, we could get back to the art. In every gallery the officials greeted us with a smile "glad you found him". I think he was a bit embarrassed by all the attention! Of course he had raced off to find the ten pictures and claim his prize! We repeated the exercise together more slowly...
We all found art we liked on the first floor, but the second (Remrandt, Vermeer etc) didn't do much for us. The top floor had a small modern collection which was more to our taste (though I was glad they didn't spot the giant vulva sofa). The basement had pottery and a great collection of wooden model boats including a cross-section of a wooden ship showing all the staircases and cabins.
Lunch was a lucky find - we wandered into the first place that did pancakes, and chanced upon a great place: cosy pub-like atmosphere, super-fast service and the best 'tosti' I've had. And some rather tasty beer too!
Next, to the Troppenmuseum which contains what the kids described as 'all the stuff they nicked from other countries' (though I think actually they paid for most of it!) Super displays which the kids really enjoyed on Latin America, Africa, New Guinea and the Sub-Continent. Sadly the ground floor photography exhibition on the changing racial mix in the Netherlands wasn't open, but all in all it was a great place to spend a few hours. (TallGirl got lost. Inevitably. Never one to let her little brother get ahead...)
With daylight still remaining, we made the most of our tram passes by heading across town to the small but perfectly formed houseboat museum, and still had time for a trip to the flower market to buy tulip bulbs and some of Mr B senior's favourite cheese to take to him tomorrow.
Home for a KFC feast with Mr B. After a terrible week at work, he had earned it.
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