Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


We took the train over to Malmo in Sweden, not really to see Malmo but to cross the Oresund Bridge.

I was convinced we'd get stuck in Malmo as the weather forecast was for strong winds, good job we didn't hang about there as they did indeed close the bridge shortly after we arrived back.

Malmo was very wet, we did go and see the Turning Torso but it was absolutely chucking it down and I didn't want to hang about with my camera. Bought loads of David's favourite Swedish sweets and came back - this is Malmo station.

There was a fine hour this afternoon so we went to the Copenhagen museum, which was fascinating, then we went for a wander around town. The winds picked up and I think everyone got sent home early as rush hour started at 3pm and the roads were chaos. By the time we got back to the hotel all the trains had been cancelled and we could hardly stand up in the wind. Our room is on an exposed corner, and we watched scores of people looking up and pointing to our roof - then the hotel staff went out and cordoned off the area as roof tiles were flying off.

Our planned posh meal out and drinks with a Danish friend have been modified somewhat - I dashed over to McDonald's and we ate Big Macs in our room watching the Danish tv coverage of the "vordsom storm over Danmark". I'm hoping the 160km winds don't materialise. Still, we have Dime bars, chocomilk and all David's Swedish sweets to keep us going.

The tv have stopped calling it a "storm" and started calling it an "uvejr". I don't know it that's good or bad.

Some Flickr shots here.

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