Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Danish crown jewels

Quick upload as I'm using up my free 15 minutes wifi at the airport!

John just got on the plane to Gatwick, Sarah and I are waiting for the Manchester plane at the gate that is so far from the airport entrance I think we walked back to the city centre!

We had a fab time - can't wait to get home though and collect the dog!

Edit - got 15 more free minutes! Yesterday was interesting, the winds got up to 120mph which exceeded hurricane force. All public transport was stopped and I really thought the windows would blow in - I packed all our stuff as I was convinced we'd be evacuated. All was fine though in the end. This morning we went to see the royal palaces and the crown jewels - then we went to the Carlsberg Glyptotek - all very arty but I have to say once you've seen 50 roman statues you really have seen them all.

Ooh, we are boarding now, see you all back in the UK.

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