
4years 6days

Today was Katie's 4th birthday party! What a day it was too. We started the morning with a quick babyccino then a shop for the "last minute bits" that in fact ended up being three large bags full. We got home and did baking and sandwich prep, the last of the decorating and a bit of tidying. She was very excited to get bathed and dressed in her beautiful handmade Bubtique dress (look them up on facebook). She finished getting ready just as her little friend arrived. They played for the next couple of hours until her other friends arrived. They even did well leaving the party room alone until the guests had come.

Her party was an Australian-themed art party. 20 children joined in painting didgeridoos, making clay kangaroos and echidnas, decorating kangaroo and koala biscuits, and lots of colouring in. We turned the studio into a den of Australian-cheesy wonderfulness, complete with plastic flooring sand, flag bunting, flying airplane, flag, Not to forget "Kylie the inflatable Kangaroo" (so named, I discovered, from Peppa Pig. Katie doesnt realise it makes me chuckle). The JumpingBean family even made it! They had a picnic of kangaroo, koala and airplane shaped sandwiches, giant marshmallow pops, australian-themed cupcakes and of course lots more. The fridge-cake bushland birthday cake went down very well and they all ran off the party food in the garden afterwards. The rabbits were very confused.

Shortly after the children's party finished, Vic and Wildthingsma (aka John & Victoria) joined the chaos. At this point the 4 smaller children and their bigger children had a pizza/party food tea before the 4 smaller children all went in the bath. Little friend's mummy arrived at this point and was under no circumstances allowed to remove little friend. So mummy had a cup of tea and a cupcake. Playing continued for another hour. They played playdoh inside the tent, they played mummies and daddies, they played chase. We all sang happy birthday to Bean, Bear gave lots of cuddles. A huge amount of fun.

When we had said goodbye to TheBeans, Katie opened all her presents. She seemed on a bit of a mission. I think she knew she was really tired as she seemed to force herself through it, then within seconds of opening the last present, she was fast asleep. One happy party girl.

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