
By Thepainterswife

Sweet, sweet morning air....

I usually walk Banjo up in the local park, and lately I have been noticing the most beautiful fragrance along one particular path way.....

I have pin pointed it down to a planting of three types of plants that the Christchurch Council have either purposely put together or miraculously threw together in a random planting and have created a scented garden !
There are bushes of Mexican Orange Blossom laden with white flowers, some Ornamental Frangipani (not the big pretty tropical ones, just small yellow flowered ones, but highly scented ), and the most traditional of all, alot of NZ Cabbage trees.
Not sure if many people know that the Cabbage Tree flowers are really beautifully scented, very sweet , and it seems to be a good year for them too as the trees are laden at the moment.

Anyway, every morning now I go and walk down this path, and am hit with this great sweet scent, almost putting me on a tropical island! A nice way to start the day....

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