Maybe today

By Feather

Yes that is 69 hours 26 minutes!

By the time you read this entry there should be a winner to this contest.
Thank goodness!
Taking place outside of a department store in the main shopping area of Singapore this contest requires entrants to have one hand on the car at all times, keep standing day and night through extreme heat and just to last the distance.
Every 6 hours they are given a 6-minute break for food, water and comfort. The last man standing last year clocked an astonishing 78 hours 30 minutes.
400 started this competition and there were five remaining contestants standing when I took this shot – they are supervised by marshalls (who are allowed to have umbrellas’) and there are medics keeping a close watch also.
I have mixed feelings about this sort of thing. It does seem almost barbaric, but if the contestants are young fit and can persevere for 3 days then the prize will certainly change that person’s life.
Just a note... the car is worth $85,000 but Singapore the one off tax (COE)to put a car on the road is a whopping $90,000!

Foot note the winner 75 hours 1 minute!

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