
By Charlie17

I've Given Up All Hope

of seeing a dragonfly in our garden this year!
I had thought that this might be the year. We have seen a few damselflies but never a dragonfly.
I thought that with the warm summer and our little pond, a dragonfly might drop by for a visit, but no, well as far as I know.
There were three reasons for hoping to see one.
1. I think they are such spectacular looking insects. And the sound they make!
2. It could have made a great blip.
3. I would have been able to link this song. to the picture. I was lucky enough to see a few blips of a real dragonfly and I linked it to this song. If you don't know the song, I think it is well worth a listen.
And if you do know the song, it is still worth a listen!
We are going to have Coco for the rest of the week so that's fine.
A bit breezier here today but not too bad.
P.S. My wife drew this a few years ago and I think it's pretty good.

Sent from my iPad

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