A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView


A very calm & quite one today.

There's been a notable & welcome change since the storm, & refreshingly we've had some clear, blue sky's to marvel at & enjoy.

This eye-catching rainbow fell out of the clouds, beneath the sunshine this afternoon & prompting a domino effect of my colleagues, all unbeknownst to each other, to all repeat after in turn, 'oh look, there's a rainbow!' Brilliant! Question, what would be at the end of your rainbow? Maybe not all your all time best rainbow find, but maybe what would be there right now?

Monkey? A pot of gold? Zucchini flowers?! A clear & concise answer to what a rainbow actually is & why the leprechauns never let us ruddy well find the end of it!?...

I'm thinking Oreo's, Mistrels or peanut butter.. & that's only 'cos I know we have some knocking about in the kitchen & I'm thinking more about nosh than going to bed!

Sweet dreams.

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