Because this is who I am

By Brighde


To hell with it, who needs a bloody diet anyways.

Okay so today was dedicated to writing a 1500 word essay which I am pleased to say I have finished, honestly I don't think I ever could of without giving my mum strict instructions to make to me do it if she thought I was slacking.

Yesterday I went to the lakes on a bus trip and went to Windemere and Keswick for some (well by the end of it) cake, coffee, more cake and chips. I think I got the day sorted pretty well. Besides the fact it pissed it down all day it was really nice. Whilst I was there I had a revelation about christmas and how I would buy a 6ft white christmas tree for my room but it had to be beautiful and so I bought my first decoration which may be my blip for tomorrow.

Happy Blipping.

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