Because this is who I am

By Brighde

The last time

My first ever decoration for a tree that's my own. Y'see when I got my room redone earlier this year I threw about 70% of my room away, or gave it to charity. So that leaves me with a lot of room to play around with. After my bed went in, my draws, shoes (obviously) and my vanity, I was worried that I'd have no room. But I was optimistic and indeed I have tons of space, which means I can fit my very own white 6ft Christmas tree in the corner of my room.

Like above, I will be collecting decorations. I will have baubles and hanging things, and lights but no tinsel because with it being white I feel like you don't need it. I will be getting packs of baubles from places but I will also be getting the odd unique item from either fancy places or not so fancy places. The idea is that my tree will tell a story.

Back to college tomorrow, starting ceramics. Very excited yet scared to meet my 2nd new class, even if there is only 4 of us.

Happy Blipping.

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