Extra day at home.

I'm fine apart from bad earache today and yes Wednesday's my usual day off but I was going to the office today to catch up on paperwork so I can skive a bit tomorrow and play with the small people visiting my parents :)

After giving a parcel delivery company my "safe place" location however they decided yesterday that on this occasion they really must have a signature so I had to wait for them today. Would've liked a slightly more accurate time slot than 8am to 9pm though! As it was they didn't show up till gone half four so I'd had time to go to work and back!

Never mind, at least aforementioned small people will have something to open in less-than-2-months time!

So, we got caught up on all our telly programmes (Under The Dome, Ripper Street and the new David Tennant thing), sorted some recycling, did some writing and (Stella's) had a pawdicure :)

Also stewed some apples to have with Butterscotch Angel Delight (Morrisons low sugar version made with rice milk) after tea. Hope it's as yummy as my tummy's anticipating!

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