For Me?!

Is she just lucky?
Or maybe she is just spoilt!
Happy Labrador.

Yesterday afternoon I received an e-mail to ask if Stella would like to review some food for the blog. I replied saying that she was finally settled on a diet and I wouldn't be moving from that but thank you for the offer. I added that in the future she'd be happy to try treats or toys.

Yesterday evening I received another e-mail asking if I'd still write something for them and they'd be sending Stella a goody bag.

At lunchtime I got an e-mail from the couriers telling me they'd delivered Stella's parcel to my safe place.

We came home to this! I was expecting a couple of packets of doggy biscuits but we got a very generous boxful.

Some of it she can have but the food (12kg - poor delivery man had a job fitting it in my safe place!) is unsuitable for her. I can't believe they still sent it. I've written to them tonight to ask for permission to donate it to the pet food bank. I've photographed the packaging for the purpose of the article but it would seem so wasteful to open it to photograph the contents but not use it.

I've just got to hope she doesn't rip into it while I'm at work in the morning, it's too heavy for me to lift out of reach!

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