cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster

"pumpkin faces"

I needed a distraction today....

A salted caramel hot chocolate catch up with the now brace-less Tori this afternoon was a good start, but it wasn't enough. (Looking great Tori!)

So after a quick brainstorm, I went to the cookery shop in the city centre, bought some orange icing, went back to my house....and baked!

When I bake, I get lost in this world of flour, eggs and icing sugar clouds! The concerns and worries of my real world just disappear. Baking makes me happy, and I'm never happier than when I bake for a reason, the most important of these being when I bake for someone else, especially when they appreciate and enjoy it. Suddenly I seem to care more about what I bake because it is no longer just for me to look at and eat!

So for 3hrs I sat with my scales, bowl, board, knife, plate of icing sugar, block of orange icing and my black craft pen, creating something special for someone special....

# Halloween - Misfits #

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