cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster

"I get insecure"

I decided after the week I've had that some retail therapy was in order. There are reasons why things are the way they are now and it's in my power to try and change them! Time to step out of the shadows! My problem - a lack of body confidence! I think I missed that department when I was being made 24 years ago! :( Yes, the jaw break and the removal of my braces helped, but it's still not been enough. Other girls make it look so easy to be to the shops I went, with the mind set this time not to say no to everything on the hanger and just pick up my usual drab looking stuff, but to try new and different things and see what they looked like.

So I went into the changing room with a selection of things I would never have lifted off the rails before, and a pair of skyscraper heels that were quite frankly a potential sign of a looming quarter life crisis! Put them back Helen! You're tall enough without pushing the 6ft 5in marker! Keeping an open mind, the rebel in me went against my better judgement and said "stuff it, just buy it you have nothing to lose!" And so I did! But I left the high heels!

As a reward for my efforts, I went and got my make up done properly by the lovely ladies at the Clinque counter to see what the swan could look like if the ugly duckling took a little more pride in how she looked. And do you know what - although I say it myself, she was actually quite pretty! :)

Lots for this ugly duckling to think about after today....including a considerably large hole in her bank balance! :/ Thank goodness for payday on Monday!

# Beautiful - Christina Aguilera #

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