Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Strawberries, Anyone?

The two of us went to the local Farmer's Market this morning. This summer is the first season "The Market Place" in our city has hosted this and we've meant to get to it all summer long, but today was our first visit. We'll be going back.

This photo is showing most, not all, but most of the $4.00 worth of strawberries we purchased. Also bought some apples, some smoked albacore, and a couple other items. The strawberries are my favorite and just last night we had purchased a small carton of strawberries at the local grocery store. The difference in taste is amazing. The ones from the grocery have no, I mean NO, flavor.

We left the Farmer's and headed for home when I remembered that I wanted to stop at the local juice store to get a shot of wheatgrass. In unison everyone say, "YUCK!" At the beginning of summer I made a commitment to myself to get a shot of wheatgrass, if possible, everyday. My sister in Portland grows her own wheatgrass and juices it. That's major commitment, crazy commitment. I can say that because she never reads this journal. I haven't had it everyday, but many days this summer. I'm hoping to stay healthy as the flu moves this direction.

So the photo shows two "double shots" of wheatgrass. Mr. Fun joined me in this healthy endeavor this morning. He's such a good sport. Who else would put a champagne top on a coffee carafe and brew chocolate grinds -- I think he's a one of a kind. See yesterday's blip to translate that sentence.

So once we got back to the house of fun, I ate breakfast late. I had a yummy breakfast sandwich, strawberries, and a nectarine. We're both still dieting and he reached his halfway mark when he went for "weight in" 2 days ago. He's lost 25 pounds. I'm celebrating 15 deleted pounds and moving toward 20. The feeling of victory here is truly "sweet" unless we are having one of those moments when we want to rip the door off the refrig and eat it. Thankfully those days are fewer and fewer.

The heat wave in Southern California is supposed to be about over. The high today was 94 degrees. At the moment (9:20 p.m.) it is 74 degrees. The worst of the wildfires has been burning for 11 days and is 50% contained and 70+ houses are gone, 250 square miles have burned. All very sad.

I've worked again today too many hours on student emails, but am feeling the joy of accomplishment.

Okay, enough nonsense from Rosie. You all have more important things to do and see and say. Thank you for reading this. I love Blipfoto.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. I've been told a strawberry in champagne is good! It must be champagne time.

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