Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

The love of my life

The one on the right of course, but it was a close run battle choosing between the two as the Budweiser Budvar was a particularly nice beer and gave me lot less grief today :-)

Lazy but eventful day today. More on that perhaps another time. Popped over to Hitchin and had lunch in the Pitcher & Piano. Salt & Pepper Calamari followed by Spicy Butter Milk Southern Fried Chicken with Creamy Coleslaw and French Fries. Quite delicious, but WHY serve a meal with coleslaw on a paper napkin. I ended up eating half of it because it just turned to mush beneath the coleslaw and the two became one. Oh well, I will have a self wiping bottom when I go to the toilet tomorrow. Quite handy actually.

After lunch we went scouting for tiles, toilets and vanity units for the cloakroom. I think we have settled on the general look we are going for. May make the purchases tomorrow unless I can think of something more exciting to do.

Was sent a link to this on Facebook today. I must have got something in my eye when I watched it because my eyes watered. Joking aside, if you think you have problems, issues, worries or whatever, and we all do from time to time, this will put things into perspective for you. In the words of Bobby McFerrin, 'Don't Worry Be Happy'

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