Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

I love children

But I couldn't eat a whole one!

Purely in the spirit of Halloween, which is a celebration the purpose of which evades me. I guess it is because it was a non event in my youth and didn't really catch on until my own children were a bit to old to bother with it. I remember going house to house with a pair of trousers and jumper stuffed with straw asking for a 'penny for the guy' in November. That's an activity that would be lost on today's generation.

If I was lazy yesterday, I have been almost comatose today. That said I was awake at 5 - simply couldn't sleep and have sketched out and priced up the cloakroom, so I haven't wasted the day.

Watched Cowboys Vs Aliens on my tablet to pass away the time this morning. I didn't have high expectations as it is such a crazy idea, but I actually quite enjoyed it. It was a bit darker and more serious than I expected which I'm sure helped.

Had a message from Rosina this morning. She was refused entry for one of her exams. Turns out she had sat the wrong module for 12 weeks and wasn't eligible - it wasn't even part of her course! Now I'm not surprised that she could do something so stupid. She does have her head in the clouds, but for the university not to notice that a student is (a) attending classes they are not enrolled in and (b) not attending classes they should be enrolled in is just amazing. How do these people hold down jobs?

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