
By Angelique


Although most of the day has been sunny, I have been couped in an office at work, then went over to Longrun House as there was an emergency meeting about Adrian. By the time I came out it was very cloudy and then the rain came down again.

I could not face another photo featuring the rain. So the above is my new perfume bottle that we bought from an antique emporium in Minehead on Saturday. As I collect perfume bottles, this was the first one that was actually a full body colour. The rest are faceted so the colour only shines through in certain angles.

It has been a difficult day mainly because I had to talk to someone who had never met Adrian but had come to assess whether the care home was denying him his loss of privacy and liberty. To actually tell someone, a total stranger, what he has done in his life to himself is not easy, and I certainly wont disclose this here. Needless to say, I fully support the actions of his Care home in stopping him from digesting wall plaster, paper and anything else he can cram into his mouth when not observed. If that's a
loss of his privacy, then so be it. I think the world has gone mad or maybe I have!

Hope you like my shiny glass and that your day has been full of laughter and happiness. As the song says, When the going get's tough, the tough keep going. This is a battle and I'm going to win!!

Tomorrow is another day - turn the page over in the chapters of your life and begin another day. Yesterday must stay in the past and will not come back to haunt you. Night my special friends x

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